Brokerage & Tenant Representation
Our clients consistently comment on our role first as “advisors” and second as brokers, but mostly they comment on how we always put our clients’ investment objectives first.
Analysis & Pricing
NetWorks Commercial Real Estate engages proprietary analysis techniques to assemble relevant data & facts disclosing critical asset and market issues leading to a full understanding of value & pricing strategy.
The Story
All real estate is unique as no place on earth can be in the same place twice. We use a S.W.O.T. ANALYSIS to "inventory" the unique attributes of an asset to recognize "critical issues" that will disclose both the intrinsic value and the contextual contribution to that value.
Attracting Qualified Prospects
The goal of any marketing campaign is to create competition among buyers which is why it is critical to expose the offering to ALL potential pathways to qualified buyers.
Negotiating & Transaction Management
All the digital marketing wizardry, market and GIS analysis is wasted if we somehow lose sight of the goal-line which is a closed transaction that meets our clients’ expectations.
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